Speaking about the Clapotis I asked Handsome's help with, here is the work in progress.
The Clapotis will be for my mother. If you noticed on one of my first blogs I had bought the yarn last year at Kid-N-Ewe; it's fourplay from Brooks Farm. I'm already on the second skein of yarn but only about 1/3 way through the pattern. Thankfully I had bought 3 skeins just in case.
Another pleasant surprise I received was this morning, or mainly ongoing through the week. Sasha and Hailey have been getting along so much better that they have been continuously playing every waking moment. And when they are both asleep.......
The last suprise I recieved was just a few minutes ago. I went to check the mail and I had recieved a package. It was the beautiful 2ply yarn I had bought from KittyGrrlz on etsy!
It's called Squishtastic Strawberry Shortcake!! It has 56 yards on it, and it's a dream!!! I have no idea what I'm going to make out of it, but I just couldn't pass up the purchase! I'm in love with this yarn, and I think it's going to have to be one of those yarns you save for an awesome knit!! Anyone got any ideas for it? It'll have to be something I keep for myself!
Well this is my last post for this year! I wish everyone of you a Gloriously Happy New Year, and may all your wishes come true this new year!
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